5th December, birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej and fathers day.

5th December is a big holiday in Thailand , it is the birthday of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej Bhumibol Adulyadej and also Fathers Day. At the school right next to the temple in our village was also an event like almost everywhere in Thailand.

It started with a nearly never ending speed from a teacher.


After the speech everybody lighted a small candle and sang a hymn with a triple “chayo” for the King and the country. Than the candles were put in prepared boxes filled with sand.


Than there was a performance with the students.

Traditional Thai dance

Traditional Thai dance

Performance with the children

Aled with Tan, grandchild of my sister-in-law

This performance was called “Gangnam Style Heavy Duty”, really to the song from PSY:

Gangnam Style Heavy Duty


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