A morning in Pa Taeo

Actually I belong – in opposite to my wife – to the people who like to get up rather late, just like Juni, our grandchild. My wife instead often can’t stay any longer in bed already at 5 AM. But recently I couldn’t sleep any longer at 7:30 AM already.

My wife watering the plants

Loy Krathong

The day before yesterday, November 28th, we celebrated Loy Krathong.


Celebration at Wat Pa Taeo

Our home is straight next to the temple (Thai language: Wat) in Pa Taeo, a small village about 12 km in the West of Phichai in the Uttaradit province. Yesterday evening there was a big celebration with live music, market and a theatre performance. Of course we went there too.

Celebration at Wat Pa Taew

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